21CLHK 2018
Beyond Aurasma - creating AR and VR in the classroom
Beyond Aurasma - creating AR and VR in the classroom
Best used on a mobile device.
- Draw on the grid
- Take a photo of the grid
- Upload to the Panoform website
- Click on the Google Cardboard icon to view in 360
Where to get 360 videos / images
Where to get 360 videos / images
Street view Panorama Downloader
Street view Panorama Downloader
Download the software
find your location using regular google maps / streetview, copy the URL
paste the URL into https://istreetview.com/ using the load a panorama button
copy the panorama id (right hand side of the screen)
paste the id into the streetview downloader software
select where you want to save it
Download the panorama
(make sure you mark the Panorama as downloaded from Streetview)
Make your own 360 video
Make your own 360 video
- Use a 360 camera or Google Streetview to create 360 images or
- Use a 360 camera or download an image from Streetview Panorama downloader
- import the video / image in iMovie
- add a voice over / edit the movie etc
- Add 360 video information using this link
- upload to youtube and it turns into a 360 video
- Link to blog post on how to do this
- Example school tour
- use your own images or downloaded ones
- Add links to other 360 images
- Add youtube videos, text, images, links
- Roundme Youtube channel
Apps for creating AR experiences
Apps for creating AR experiences
World Brush - paint everywhere
Blippar - bring books and images to life
Figment - create portals to other dimensions
Orb - make your own 3D AR world
Gabsee - Create your own 3D avatars